梦灵: Mr. Thompson is part of everything. He's in the sky and sea. He is in the dreams of children at night. He is all that there is forever. E03 -Do you know what this is? -Heroin. -It is freedom. Power. Control over men who are lesser than you. E12 Truth is what those in power wish it to be.
小雾夜:【新喜剧之王 电影】那么第三季会不会牵扯到日本那边呢会不会有倭寇出场呢又或者会不会有我大明的戏份呢
钟无寐: 大友克洋《新喜剧之王 电影》以画卷展开故事静中取动、复古画风真心赞仿佛将历史凝固几个短片都没有高潮没有结局一切都只是在缓缓地诉说